Code Examples

You can use the base types very easily in order to load, save or clone base types. Note this example will write a file on the disk!
#include "PackULong.h"
#include "PackString.h"
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    // we got a simple unsigned long:
    PackULong   myUnsignedLongWriten,myUnsignedLongRead;

    unsigned int value = myUnsignedLongRead.Get();
    // here it is !!!
    printf("%d !!!\n",value);
    // note MakeCloneOf() does the same, without saving a file:
    // the same goes for all types ! PackString manages strings:
    PackString  str1,str2;
    str1.Set("My sentence is long.");
    str1.AddString("... and It continues on and on !\n");
    printf( str2.Get() );

The following example Uses the automatic Serialization of the AzurVeda base types In order to create and manage a struct, edit it a bit, then save and load it, using the PackStruct class, which is a base type done for that ! (note: this example doesn't use the context features.)
#include "PackStruct.h"
#include "PackLong.h"
#include "PackFloat.h"
#include "PackString.h"
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    // serialization test
    // we just have a local test class.
    class myStruct : public PackStruct
    { public:
        // the constructor got to register the members to know what to serialize,
        // the same way as with the more complex BaseObject.
        myStruct() : PackStruct()
            // second parameter 0 means no GUI name. Third is always default value:
        // declare the members of the class:
        PackString  m_Name;
        PackLong    m_LongTestMember;
        PackFloat   m_FloatTestMember;
    myStruct    object1,object2;

    printf("object2 values: name:%s long:%d float:%f\n",

The next example extends a Media Class that rotates a square on the default screen and makes sounds, and we create one inside a context.
Then we create a main that plays that media with a machine: (note that example doesn't use the context features.)
#include "BaseContext.h"
// the class to extend:
#include "VirtualMedia.h"
// we use some math functions for the sound:
#include <math.h>
// we use time.h for a timer in the main loop. Well, VirtualMachine should manage timers. exact.
#include <time.h>
// we need a machine to play the media:
// note DefaultMachine is a typedef to your platform implementation:
#include "DefaultMachine.h"
// first , we define our media class like in a header file.
// We will not register serializable members,
// but we will extend media methods:
class miniMedia : public VirtualMedia
{ public: 
    // constructor:
    miniMedia() : VirtualMedia() {};
    // define context class descriptor and destuctor: 
    // extend methods from VirtualMedia to make our media to draw and play things:
    virtual void ProcessMedia( double _frameDate,VirtualMachine::InternalViewPort *_pViewPort );
    virtual void ProcessSoundInterupt( VirtualMachine::SoundBufferToAddYourSignal &_SoundBufferToAddYourSignal );
    // extend creation and close methods from BaseObject, to make our own inits:
    virtual bool CreateInternal(void);
    virtual void CloseInternal(void);
    // now declare some specific members for our routines.
    // we could declare serializable members here, na deven dynamic pointers
    // to other context objects, but it is  not the point of the example.
    // (see examples 01 with PackStruct or any class code).
    // state for sound generation:
    float   m_sinusPostion1;
    float   m_sinusPostion2;
    // simple 3D object to be built at init, and then drawn:
    //! object created for preview.
    VirtualMachine::InternalObject3DBuffer  *m_p3DObject;
// ----- Here we have .cpp-like methods for miniMedia -----
// declare class descriptor, its makes possible self-build GUI and context serialization (we will not use in this example):
// "MINI" will be the tag serialized in the .avb binary contextes.
// miniMedia is the C++ name of our class we derivate from VirtualMedia
// "Media Example Class" is a name that can be displayed for this class in some GUI.
// "DefaultName" will be the base name for each new object created with this class.
// the last parameter is a short docuementation of what the class does.
BASEOBJECT_DECLARE_CLASS( "MINI", miniMedia, VirtualMedia,"Media Example Class","DefaultName","This is a class done to show how easy it is to make your own media." );
// CreateInternal must do all inits for a context object, and everything opened
// should be close in CloseInternal().
bool miniMedia::CreateInternal(void)
    // use superclass member to tell the media time length:
    m_MediaTimeLength = 60.0f; // 60 seconds.
    // reset state members
    m_sinusPostion1 = m_sinusPostion2 = 0.0f;
    // ask the machine the creation of a 3D object on pointer m_p3DObject,
    // with 4 vertexes, 2 triangles.
    GetMachine()->NewObject3DBuffer( &m_p3DObject, 4,2,0);
    if(m_p3DObject==0) return false; // pointer null means error !
    // give a square shape:
    VirtualMachine::InternalVertex *pVert = m_p3DObject->GetFirstVertex();
    pVert->m_x = -0.5f;
    pVert->m_y = -0.5f;
    pVert->m_z = 0.0f;
    pVert->m_x = 0.5f;
    pVert->m_y = -0.5f;
    pVert->m_z = 0.0f;
    pVert->m_x = 0.5f;
    pVert->m_y = 0.5f;
    pVert->m_z = 0.0f;
    pVert->m_x = -0.5f;
    pVert->m_y = 0.5f;
    pVert->m_z = 0.0f;

    VirtualMachine::InternalTriangle *pTriangle = m_p3DObject->GetFirstTriangle();
    pTriangle->m_p0 = 1;
    pTriangle->m_p1 = 2;
    pTriangle->m_p2 = 0;
    pTriangle->m_p0 = 0;
    pTriangle->m_p1 = 2;
    pTriangle->m_p2 = 3;
    // as the square shape will not change, 
    // this line could optimize rendering:
    // not: we use only colors for rendering.
    // we could also build a VirtualMachine::InternalTexture
    // to render the object.
    // The object is succesfully built !
    return true;
void miniMedia::CloseInternal(void)
    // delete the object in case it has been created.
    //note all machine delete calls do nothing if pointer is null.
    // so no need for a test:
    GetMachine()->DeleteObject3DBuffer( &m_p3DObject );

// we need our class descriptors, ussually with the methods in a .cpp file:
void miniMedia::ProcessMedia( double _frameDate,VirtualMachine::InternalViewPort *_pViewPort )
    // ProcessMedia() is useed to manage drawing, frame by frame.
    // _frameDate is given in seconds.
    // we got to draw on viewport _pViewPort, using the minimal 3D object created in the init.
    // we will rotate with the same members used for the sound generation in next method.
    // clear:
    // set transformation matrix:
    // make the rotation do the same thing as the sound vibrato
    // set focale length for viszion:
    // set the other vibrato term on the red component of the color object:
    float vibratoterm2 =0.5f+ sin(m_sinusPostion2*0.0018f) *0.5f;
    // render our 3D object
    _pViewPort->RenderMesh( m_p3DObject );

void miniMedia::ProcessSoundInterupt( VirtualMachine::SoundBufferToAddYourSignal &_SoundBufferToAddYourSignal )
    // ProcessSoundInterupt() ask us to add a sound signal on a float buffer.
    // Here, we use some sinus functions to make a sound:
    const unsigned int  lengthToRender =_SoundBufferToAddYourSignal.m_LengthToRender ;
    // here is the buffer to add our signal:
    float           *pSoundBuffer = _SoundBufferToAddYourSignal.m_pSoundBuffer ;
    // here is the play frequency in float:
    const float freq = _SoundBufferToAddYourSignal.m_PlayFrequency ;
    float speed1 =  440.0f*4.0f/freq; // this will lead to a chord :-)
    float speed2 =  293.3*4.0f/freq;
    unsigned int ii;
    float fp1 = m_sinusPostion1;
    float fp2 = m_sinusPostion2;
    const float leftVolume=0.6f; // of course a factor multiply the volume.
    const float rightVolume=0.7f;
    // note this nice song suffer from float format precision artifacts !
    for(ii=0 ; ii<lengthToRender ; ii++)
        float vv = sin( fp1 );
        *(pSoundBuffer++) += sin( fp1 ) *leftVolume ;   // add left signal
        *(pSoundBuffer++) += sin( fp2 ) *rightVolume; // add right signal
        fp1 +=(speed1 + sin(fp2*0.0018f)*0.004f); // set a vibrato !
        fp2 += speed2+ sin(fp1*0.002f)*0.004f;
    // keep the states object to ensure continuity of the signal at next call:
    m_sinusPostion1 = fp1;
    m_sinusPostion2 = fp2;
// and then, our main will create and play this media:
int main(void)
    // we need a context and a machine: note: as we will linik the machine
    // to the context, we must assure the context is deleted first at the end,
    // and then the machine is deleted. these 2 brackets assures this:
    DefaultMachine oMachine;
    BaseContext     oContext;
    // init the machine, this should open a screen.
    //register our class to the context:
    const BaseObject::ClassDescription *classList[]=
        & VirtualMedia::m_Description,  // we need to register all parent class after BaseObject.
            & miniMedia::m_Description, // class built over VirtualMedia. 
        0L // list end.
    // tell the context to work with the machine:
    // now do a simple edition on the context, just to create our object:
    miniMedia *pMiniMedia = (miniMedia *)oContext.NewObject( miniMedia::m_Description );
    if( pMiniMedia==0L ) return 1; // error ?

    // any context object should be inited with Create(),
    // and its method used if the creation succed.
    // note the object init is overriden with BaseObject::CreateInternal()
    // and BaseObject::CloseInternal().
    int result = pMiniMedia->Create();
    // a negative value means a construction error.
    // a 0 value mean construction is done, and positive values means
    // the object need more Create() calls, which can only happen with Create(false).
    // Create(false) can be used for delayed creation.
    // true means immediate creation and is a default parameter.
    if(result<0) return 1;
    // when using context object, you should first ensure that the object
    // is well created, before using its methods. Here, a miniMedia could
    // fail because the 3D object creation in CreateInternal() could fail,
    // because of short memory for example. So now we can use miniMedia.
    // we do our own loop in the main, manage a timer,
    // and ask the media to draw frames whenever we can:
    // You could ask yourself why this is not automatized by the Media mechanism.
    // The answer is AzurVeda's Context framework must keep independant
    // from any shape of application. 
    clock_t startclock = clock();
    // we use the sound aspect of the media:
    while( !oMachine.GetQuitMessage() )
    {   // get new date:
        double framedate = ((double)(clock()-startclock))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
        // quit if media length ended.
        if(framedate>=pMiniMedia->GetTimeLength() ) break; 
        pMiniMedia->ProcessMediaOnDefaultViewport( framedate );
        // swap the main screen buffer.
    // if we continue something after the loop, this should be done:
    // close the 2 brackets, it delete the context, and then the machine, in this order:
    // OK
    return 0;

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